Vanilla pastry cream

Vanilla pastry cream

Easy - 15 Min

  • style Dish type : Sweet
  • poll Difficulty : Easy
  • access_time Preparation time : 15 min
  • timer Cooking time : 15 min
  • place Region : France
  • euro_symbol Cost : €19.99


This recipe will give you a delicious vanilla pastry cream ready to use in your various recipes. This one is very fragrant and will give a delicious vanilla note to your desserts. If you have time, don't hesitate to let the vanilla infuse longer, your pastry cream will only be better!
Pastry cream can be consumed as it is, but it is also a classic recipe that is used in many recipes. It is very versatile and appreciated by all!

The quality of the simplest recipes depends above all on the quality of their ingredients. Choose a quality vanilla, well fleshy and fragrant. Whole milk will give your recipe a more pronounced flavour, but any other type of milk can be used.


50 cl of milk

1 vanilla bean

4 egg yolks

100 g sugar

50 g cornstarch


Split the vanilla and scrape the seeds with the back of a knife.
In a saucepan, bring the milk and vanilla to a boil until it boils.

In a bowl, beat the egg yolks vigorously with the sugar to blanch them, then add the starch.

Pour a little boiling milk over the mixture while mixing well to dilute it.

Pour this mixture into the remaining milk in the pan and return to the heat.

Thicken by stirring vigorously and without stopping with a whisk.

After 5 to 10 minutes, when the cream covers the spoon (it stays on when you lean the spoon), stop the heat.

Pour into a cold dish to accelerate cooling and cover with a film on contact.

Let cool completely and then put in the refrigerator until ready to serve